Helping adults achieve straight teeth
and healthy smiles for life!
During a personalized assessment we evaluate the way the tongue moves. If the tongue can't fully stretch and touch the roof of the mouth, when the mouth is open, there's a restriction. This restriction look like a guitar string beneath the tongue,
impacting the way the muscles of the mouth and jaw work together. Similar to an injury, other muscles and joints of the body compensate for the weak area of the body. If the tongue can't fully move when swallowing or speaking, muscles of the mouth, face, neck and jaw compensate. The muscles and joints are out of balance, often causing tension and pain in the head, neck, shoulders.
If a tongue tie needs to be released, a small surgical procedure may be needed. This is called a frenectomy. I will refer you to a doctor who specializes in frenectomies. A customized myofunctional therapy program will prepare you for strengthening and toning the tongue for optimal outcomes before and after the procedure. A full myofunctional therapy program is recommended to rehabilitate the tongue for correct swallowing and proper oral rest posture (tongue resting on the roof of the mouth).
Symptoms of a tongue tie include:
Speech - mumbling, difficulty pronouncing certain sounds
Tongue thrust swallowing - difficulty with chewing and swallowing, messy eating
UARS - poor sleep quality, a precursor to sleep apnea, often noted in fit females
Sleep apnea - associated with restricted airways
Head, neck and shoulder tension/pain
Forward head posture
Rolled shoulders
Musculoskeletal asymmetries
TMJ - popping/clicking/grinding/clenching/pain - also associated with sleep apnea
Tongue ties are often the root cause of tongue thrusting habits. It's important to identify this condition early on, so that its corrected before starting braces. This will mean less time in braces and teeth that stay straight after braces.
Ready to address the root cause of a tongue thrusting habit?